Monday, December 20, 2010

Decline of Definiteness

Why haven't you seen any Matlang posts? Blame the fact that Ιἐσούς Χρίστος' birthday is a bigger and busier holiday than His death/resurrection (which is probably more important).

Three days ago, the conlanging blog posted stuff about Google Ngram Viewer. Looking at it, I noticed that it showed the scale of percentage. I wondered what would be the most, and searched for the and a. No surprise that instead of being in the 0.000000s like constructed language, the and a were in the 1s.

I noticed a strict statistic. the has been steadily declining since 1850 (from 6% to currently 4.5%), while a has maintained 1.5%. Why is this?

The answer: I'm not a scholar, so I have no idea. Anyone who knows this can comment, and they will receive $0 plus a free review of any constructed language/world if they give me a link.

By the way, I originally decided to call this post the decline of definiteness, but to fit the mood changed it. Sorry for any inconvenience.


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